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Special  Chanukah 2023 Shiur by Rav Ephraim Wachsman


We thank the following sponsors:
Jerry & Meira Adest; Anonymous; Anonymous for the safety and security of all of klal yisrael; Anonymous לעילוי נשמת Shaina Rachel Bas Rivka; Rabbi Moshe & Etana Dechter; Jackie & Chaye Feigenbaum for the chayalim and hostages; Stephen & Rachel Fried; Shai & Tova Gerson לעילוי נשמת דבורה בת יוסף, Tova’s grandmother’s yahrtzeit; Avi & Deneira Goldenberg; Brian & Laurie Gopin ‎לרפואה שלמה לשרה טליה בת רחל בריינדל ליבה; Josh & Davida Greenberg in honor of the soldiers who are fighting to protect Israel and in merit for the safe return of all the hostages; Danny & Tsipi Gurell for ‎אַחֵינוּ כָּל בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל, הַנְּתוּנִים בְּצָרָה; Andrew & Racheli Israeli for those that are osek in tzarchei harabim; Yitz & Aviva Novak l’iluy nishmas Ezra Ben yitzchak; Azriel & Ilana Rauzman; Cory & Mandy Richman for the soldiers and hostages; Miriam & Jonathan Seltzer yartzheit of מרדכי בן יהושע דוד on י״ז כסלו; Jonathan & Ruchi Tiger l’zecher nishmas פנחס בן יצחק עזיק ע״ה, Ruchi’s grandfather; and Aaron & Rachel Wertentheil.



Regular Shiur Schedule

Efrayim Hershkowitz z"l Sunday Morning Hilchos Shabbos Shiur: 8:00 AM at Ohr HaTorah

Tuesday Night Iyun Shiur: 9:00 PM at Ohr HaTorah - 3rd Perek of Succah (Lulav Hagazul) 

Kollel Boker - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday:  6:20-7:00 AM in Bnai Yeshurun - Starting 7th Perek of Chullin 

Shabbos Morning Pre-Shacharis Shiur:  8:00 AM at Ohr Hatorah - Sefer Hachinuch

Beis Medresh Program - Sun, Mon, Wed, Thurs:  9:00 PM at Ohr HaTorah Youth House




Upcoming Special Shiurim


Recent  Shiurim 

Beis Medresh Program:

Fri, January 24 2025 24 Teves 5785